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tv   Al Jazeera World News  LINKTV  April 14, 2013 5:30am-6:00am PDT

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>> venezuela without chavez. voters who -- choose who will lead the new country -- leave the country into a new era. we are live in caracas. is al jazeera, live from doha. also ahead, the last stop in the ush to -- the u.s. secretary of state meets leaders in japan. tensions are so high that fighting has broken out between inmates and guards. am wayne hay in myanmar, where the government is showing signs of it wants to fix and
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education sector once viewed with suspicion -- signs that it wants to fix an education sector once viewed with suspicion by the military. have opened for venezuela's presidential election. the country has some of the largest oil reserves in the world. whoever wins will not only be following in the foot debts of hugo chavez mama but will also have control -- the footsteps of hugo chavez, but will also have control of that -- nicolas maduro visited the former leader costume after campaigning. the opposition is not happy with that. we are live in the capital of caracas. is the polling station behind you open? we can see people lining up to cast their votes. >> people here continue to line up. this specific polling station
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has not opened yet. i'm told there is some opposition witnesses that are not here yet. they are giving them some time to arrive here. if they do not arrive in the next hour, they will still go ahead and open this polling station. people here have been lining up since 4:30 in the morning. i am in this neighborhood in western caracas, a lower to middle class neighborhood. most people say they will vote for the acting president, nicolas maduro. most people here say they support president hugo chavez, that he gave them dignity, that he improved their lives. it is impressive to see the organization of the ruling socialist party. since 3:00 in the morning, they have been launching fireworks to wake people up, to tell people to come here to vote. this is the legacy of hugo chavez. he taught them how to organize
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themselves >> that's why they win elections -- themselves, that's why they win elections. >> the opposition has been alleging irregularities already. what are they unhappy with? >> this has been a very aggressive campaign, a very short campaign. the candidates had a very short period of time, only 10 days to convince people to vote for him. the government has said -- they have been accusing the opposition of trying to disrupt this election. they have been trying to make the election fail. they say they won't recognize the results after today's vote. in the press conference that took place on saturday, he said that nicolas maduro was abusing power, that he was not expecting the -- respecting the ban that was in place on campaign, because he continued to use public airwaves, radio,
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television, even on saturday, while there was still a ban on campaigning. that's what capriles said. they are not happy with the results. capriles said that, whatever the results are, he is going to respect them. >> thanks very much. we are going to leave it there for now. the polls are opening for the presidential election. government has confirmed an attack on the court complex in the capital. witnesses say at least one blast was heard after armed men the courts in mogadishu to the gunman then -- mogadishu. .he gunmaen then opened fire we will bring you more on this as we get it. the u.s. secretary of state is on the last stretch of an asian tour aimed at easing tensions on the korean peninsula is in talks with japanese leaders, following china's agreement to
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put pressure on north korea. >> tokyo is the final asian stop for the u.s. to -- u.s. secretary of state while north korea threatens war. -- gyang says it will john kerry held talks with the foreign minister. the japanese are committed to resolving the threat from pyongyang. >> secretary kerry and i reaffirm that the u.s.-japan alliance has a pivotal role to play to bring peace and stability to this region. >> china is also part of the worldwide diplomatic mission aimed at -- 's influence over pyongyang, the secretary of state was pushing for a commitment to peace. >> i briefed foreign minister k ishida on my meetings in seoul yesterday and my meetings on
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friday. i told him the goal of both china and the republic of korea is the denuclearization of north korea >> and that was strongly, strongly reaffirmed by my counterparts in beijing yesterday. >> but on sunday, the north korean president said pyongyang was as determined as ever to have nuclear power >> egardless -- >> we should bolster both the quality and quantity of our nuclear force. a national treasure of reunified north korea. we should wage all-out action against the u.s. >>north koreans left china heading home for the birth of left country's founder -- china, heading home for the birth of their country's founder.
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>> it is best if there is not a war. -- is always a them disaster for humanity. north korea is not very strong domestically. they still have to improve people's lives. so, i think it's best that there is not a war. >> he strongly condemned threats of war and called for the strength that so far has been in short supply. >> guards at the u.s. risen at on time of day -- prison at wonton am ok -- wonton among -- guantanamoong bay -- weapons toave used avoid being transferred to different cells. we are joined by the legal director at reprieve, which represents some of the detainees at guantanamo.
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clashes between the prisoners and the guards at the prison, and this ongoing hunger strike are all part of an ongoing protest. many of your clients are refusing to eat -- are many of your clients refusing to eat, and why? >> we have a yemeni client who told me he has been striking since february. he has lost over 30 pounds. he tnk about this supposedly at i take it with a grain of salt -- when you think about , is supposedly hunger strike take it with a grain of salt -- to the bedained him so he could be force fed. there is a real imbalance of power. these people are using just about the only option they have left a protest. >> but what are they protesting? >> think the thing that set it
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off, anyone will tell you, -- i think the thing that set it off, anyone will tell you, was an abusive search of the koran. they will not let them give up their carotid -- carotid -- k orans. the military will not give any ground. the people who have been detained for over 11 years -- over half of these people are cleared and there is no end in sight. when president obama is asked about the hunger strike, he keeps referring people to the dod. he is shrugging off requests about the biggest hunger strike we have had in years. >> -- they present themselves daily to be fed through a tube. officials have denied claims of the strikes -- have denied
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claims that the korena -- koran was mishandled. >> they used to call suicide attempts asymmetric warfare. it is important to treat things with a little bit of skepticism, but people have lost weight, that is clear, and we are told people are force-fed, which is an agonizing process. take that from your own cameraman. when he was released from guantánamo, he had not eaten food in over a year. it is absolute agony to be force fed. it is painful. >> the underlying reason for all of this is, i believe, the lack of clarity about their future. many of the prisoners -- we have seen reports that they fear they will die in guantánamo, like others before them. of the detainees who have been cleared for release, what is happening to them? >> ritually all of reprieve's --
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virtually all of reprieve's clients have been cleared, but we still don't see any movement. they are either feckless or indifferent. if you cannot get a man out to his wife and kids in the uk, then what can you do? president obama says congress has made it difficult to" on them a -- to close guantanamo. but where there is the political will, there is a way. these guys do not see any end in sight. i don't see what we all expect them to do after this long. >> thank you very much for speaking to us. the legal director at reprieve, which represents some of the detainees at guantanamo bay.
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in they is tight bangladeshi capital as people celebrate their new year. thousands of people marched through the streets of. the -- of dhaka. there have been protests over a controversial war crimes tribunal dealing with crimes committed during the war for independence in 1971. still to come, defending the tobacco harvest. why malawi says -- threatens to stub out its main export indu stry. and we look inside a $69 million london mansion and examine a debate that is not aimed at homes like this. back.e the top stories on al jazeera -- polls are opening for
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venezuela's presidential election, but there has always -- already been controversy after nicolas maduro visited the tomb of late president hugo chavez. after campaigning had officially ended. the u.s. secretary of state is in japan as he continues a regional tour aimed at curbing north korea's nuclear program. this is after meeting with chinese officials, asking them to put pressure on pyongyang. there has been an attack in the sum olli capital. -- in the somali capital. a palestinian leader favored by the united states has quit his after disputes with his boss, mahmoud abbas. salam fayyad's departure comes at a time when the u.s. is hoping to restart middle east peace talks. we have more from ramallah.
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>> he had been prime minister for six years, but his relationship with abbas has become increasingly tense. >> prime minister salam fayyad has tendered his resignation. he asked him to stay on as the prime minister of caretaker government until a new government is formed. >> last month, the palestinian finance minister submitted his resignation. fayyad accepted it. abbas did not. abbas' inner circle have been very critical of fayyad, a technocrat who does not belong to any augustinian faction. -- palestinian faction. many palestinians say he has made a difference in people's lives and brought transparency to the -- palestinian authority. others say that it caused an
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economic crisis in the west and . -- bank. of americanroduct education. he has worked at the world bank and into national monetary fund in washington -- and international monetary fund in washington, d.c. listen on friday. there are efforts to wring about a new round of peace talks between -- to bring about a new round of peace talks between israelis and palestinians. how long fayyad will serve as caretaker prime minister will depend on abbas' next move. al jazeera, ramallah. >> myanmar's government is
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looking to revive the education system, once considered one of the best in asia. wayne hay has this report from and on -- from yangon. >> children's from some of the poorest backgrounds are taught in buddhist monasteries -- children from some of the poorest backgrounds are taught in buddhist monasteries year the classes are led by monks -- monasteries. the classes are led by monks. >> there is no doubt these teachers -- children would have a better future if we had teachers -- >> you don't have to look hard to find cases of children missing out on education. child labor is common. families selling their children to restaurants and tea shops to make money. >> when others are going to school and i don't, i feel sad.
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i have to collect trash, clean the tables, and serve tea. >> just across the street is a good state school. many families cannot afford the extras like uniforms and books. the government is undertaking a review of its education sector and is already making changes. for years, you never said these were not trusted by the military. -- four years, universities were not trusted -- for years, universities were not trusted by the military. to be the finest educational facility in southeast asia. now it is a constant reminder of where myanmar's system went wrong. the university remains largely deserted and off-limits to outsiders, but is now slowly reopening. a handful of undergraduate students attend full-time,
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eager to improve their english and talk positively about the government's new outlook. >> wno 0-- [indiscernible] convocation hall where u.s. president barack obama spoke last year can be painted. a superstitious government has kept it mainly bear. -- bare. >> a quick look at some other world news. a volcano in mexico has sent a dense cloud of ash over the central state of puebla. about one million people live within the radius of the volcano. it has been spewing ash almost daily since 1994. first woman to undergo a
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womb transplant is now pregnant according to the hospital where she had the transplant. she has been getting in vitro fertilization since then. is leaving fort a trip to three african nations, including the world's fourth largest ukrainian producer. he will also visit but name and ghana -- benin and ghana. money, some say it makes the world go round. might be debatable. money or the lack of it is something people all around the world have in common. we have reports on how people are struggling to make ends meet. afghanistan's official unemployment is around 8%. although that number is difficult to verify -- they have tried to hire locally.
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more than 100,000 jobs were created. those jobs may not be created when nato leaves, but the illegal opium trade will likely grow. profits exceeded $150 million last year. the problem of unemployment could undo security gains. >> he needs a job and has come here to find it. this center uses the internet to match jobseekers with work. it is the brainchild of a man who launched the site in 2010 and now gets 10,000 hits per day for the couple hundred jobs posted. >> the pool of qualified candidates was very small. now you have a lot of qualified people out there in the market looking for jobs. >> the sender offers training, everything from writing a resume -- center offers training, everything from writing a resume to what to do in a job interview.
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shrinking aid budgets means laying off of workers, and these are the educated, lucky ones. every morning, men gather on the streets of kabul, hoping to be hired. >> in the past few months, finding work has been very hard. i think the situation has gotten worse because people do not have money to build new buildings here that's because -- why -- new buildings. that's why we cannot find work. >> there's a number of places around kabul where men come to find work, hoping to earn whatever wages they can. they say they can go weeks without being hired. the problem is even worse outside of the city. 3/4 of africans live in the countryside, most involved in agriculture, but that accounts for only 1/3 of the country's gdp. >> they have not found any job
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opportunities. you have decided to find a way to live. -- they have decided to find a way to live. this will be a big threat to the security of the country. >> atoll about -- the taliban are targeting the -- in one district. creating new urban and rural jobs is a major challenge for the government here, especially as the international presence and aids money -- aid money declines. the laws of the west are hurting tobacco-producing countries like malawi. >> she is not sure of her real age, but says she is about 70 years old. she needs her children and great grandchildren to help her grow tobacco. >> the money from the tobacco helps my family. i have sent my children
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grandchildren to school. it is not a lot of money, but it looks after us. perarmers can get nearly $2 kilogram, depending on the quality. they are separating the good from the bad. malawi is one of the poorest countries in the world and it earns most of its foreign currency from selling this type of tobacco. it is what many farmers here prefer to grow. last year, australia bans the branding on cigarette packets. eu countries now want to do the same. malawi officials say a proposed plan by the eu breaks international trade laws. >> this proposal is devastating to us. alawi -- we are looking at 60% to 70% of our foreign exchange earnings
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coming from tobacco. >> but eu officials say malawi has time to diversify as other cash crops. -- it's other cash crops -- its other cash crops. >> to have 60% to 70% of the earnings coming from one product is -- as i said before, the tobacco market is not going to collapse overnight. -- as anti-ing laws smoking laws gathered momentum theseher momentum, countries may have no choice but to adapt. >> in britain, the debate over the so-called bedroom tax is heating up. the rich are seen to profiting from tax breaks on their properties.
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richer seem to be profiting from tax breaks on their properties. >> me outside, it looks tall and thin, but it stretches back into a courtyard -- from the outside, it looks tall and thin , but it stretches back into a courtyard. $69houses on the market for million and will probably go to a russian or -- the house is on themarket and will -- on market for $69 million and will probably go to a russian or foreign investor. >> we recently sold the house in .egent park for $80 million a house in kensington palace gardens sells for in excess of $100 million. >> there has been lots of discussions about the wealthy in britain receiving tax cuts
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from the current government, yet almost none for what the foreign get for investing here. organized to been favor the enormously wealthy from all over the world. you can prove that the place where you live is your domicile and where you earn your money is something else and you have a second residency, you are taxed in a completely different way. for the average saudi billionaire, you can treat britain as a property tax haven. which is extraordinary when you consider other people's lives. you can barely turn the camera around in this little flat. the extra bedroom is a big problem. she lives here alone on state benefits. the government says it is unfair she has two bedrooms. it is more space than she needs,
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they say. so, a new tax means she have to pay back -- she has to pay back to the government 35 dollars per week. >> it feels like hatred. they are blaming us for the state of the economy, the unemployed people, the benefits. i think that was the bankers, wasn't it? >> the government is making impoverished people pay back money because they take up too much space, yet rules assist billionaire foreigners to own huge properties after they have been bought as a tax dodge. nobody
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